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Altar Servers
The role of the server is a privileged ministry. Individuals who are in fourth grade or older, have received their First Communion, and attend Mass regularly are welcome to sign up to be an Altar Server.


Altar Ministry Guild

This ministry is responsible for maintaining and cleaning the Altar, sacred vessels and laundering the linens used during our Mass Liturgy.


Church Cleaning Guild

This ministry is made up of a small group who vacuum the church carpet and dust the pews, etc., keeping our church clean for the weekend Masses.


These ministers provide a very special service of hospitality. They are the first people that visitors or parishioners meet when they come to Sacred Heart for Mass. We show our great hospitality by welcoming them with Christian love.



The role of the lector is to proclaim the Word of God at parish liturgies. Lectors need to have the ability to read aloud clearly and well, with an understanding of scripture.


Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers

This ministry provides support to our Father and Deacon at Mass in distributing the Precious Body and Blood to the faithful. 



They are responsible for seating parishioners, assisting with keeping the reverence during the Mass, taking up the collection, distributing any timely materials after Mass, and straightening hymnals and Mass booklets after each Mass.


Ministers to the Homebound

Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers share Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic with those members of our community unable to join us here at Sacred Heart due to health issues. In addition to visiting individuals, these ministers also visit the area nursing homes.


Religious Education

Classes are held after the Sunday 9 am mass. Classes start at 10:15 am and last one hour. The religious education that our children receive is very important to prepare them for the Sacraments and life. Teachers and assistants are always needed. Please consider this great ministry of sharing your faith.





Parish Social Events

This committee organizes and prepares the food/snacks for the many parish social events. This is a great way to meet and get to know the whole Parish community. Many events are scheduled each year so watch the calendar. Volunteers are needed for planning and to help on the day of the event.



This ministry provides food for the family of the deceased and their friends on the day of the funeral. These volunteers coordinate and facilitate the luncheons. Parish members are asked to support these luncheons by providing a covered dish and by helping serve.


Sunday Socials

Sunday Socials offer parishioners the opportunity to share fellowship on Sunday morning after the 9 am Mass. These weekly gatherings are enhanced with coffee and breakfast breads. What's better than sharing food with your fellow parishioners?! New volunteers are always welcome to join this ministry.


50+ Club

An informal group of Parishioners ages 50 and over. The Club meets on the second Friday of each month at 11 am (except June-July-August), starting with a shared meal and followed by a meeting. The meetings may feature a visiting speaker, of a spiritual program. The goal of this group is to share fellowship, learn, and support the Parish through club projects and activities.


Men's Group

This group invites the men of the parish community to share their faith and fellowship. The programs address many topics including social, religious, parish life, fun, and fellowship.  Next meeting date TBD.




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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
1323 MacArthur Drive, Griffin GA 30224

Copyright © 2021-2025 by SACRED HEART CHURCH of GRIFFIN. All Rights Reserved.

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